National Redress Scheme – Update

Welcome to the National Redress Scheme update. It includes:

Support is available to help you if you need it. To find out more, go to

If you need immediate support, 24-hour telephone assistance is available through:

Beware of misleading websites

The National Redress Scheme is aware of a number of unauthorised websites containing misleading and inaccurate information about the Scheme, some of which may appear as search results through web browsers. Some of these websites include information such as the availability of a $3,000 redress payment through Centrelink, references to welfare payments from other countries and pictures of government officials. You should not click on links from these websites or provide personal information that may put you at risk.

Information about the Scheme should only be obtained from trusted sources.

Information on how to apply to the Scheme and what happens once you submit an application, can be found on our website. Government funded Redress Support Services are available to provide free localised practical and emotional support throughout your application process.

If you are concerned about any information you have received about the Scheme, call the National Redress Scheme on 1800 737 377 for confirmation.

Funding boost for survivor support

The Australian Government is increasing support for survivors of institutional child sexual abuse by investing $33.3 million in new and expanded services for National Redress Scheme applicants as part of the 2024-25 Budget.

The funding includes $26.1 million over 4 years for a new targeted support service that will assist survivors to obtain the information they need to help with submitting complete applications to the Scheme.

The Government will be investing $7.2 million towards boosting free legal services and support available for survivors through knowmore Legal Services, which includes assistance in understanding and applying for Redress.

For more information about Budget 2024-25 funding for the Scheme and other Department of Social Services’ Budget measures, visit the Department of Social Services website.

Redress Scheme visits Lawson, NSW

A free half-day community workshop will be held in Lawson, NSW on 30 May 2024, hosted/facilitated by the Survivors and Mates Support Network (SAMSN).

The workshop will provide community organisations attendees with information about the National Redress Scheme and the Northern Territory Stolen Generations Redress Scheme. The session will discuss the different purposes and functions of the two Schemes, as well as how to engage with them and access free, confidential and culturally safe support.

Government representatives from both Schemes will be participating to share information and answer questions, plus presentations from various Redress Support Services and from knowmore Legal Service.

Please note, attendance at these workshops is limited to staff in community groups, organisations and services. There is limited capacity for each event, please register your organisation’s attendance below.

The Lawson workshop will be held at the Mid Mountains Community Centre, from 9.30am – 1.00pm AEST, 30 May 2024. Register your organisation’s attendance through the online registration form.(link is external)

This workshop is part of a series of workshops to raise awareness of the Scheme. Planning is underway for further workshops targeted to community organisations in Alice Springs, NT on 21 June 2024, Darwin, NT on 24 June 2024 and the Hunter Valley region, NSW on 8 August 2024. More information on these workshops will be available shortly.

To register your interest in future workshops, email

National Memorial to be re-designed

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (Royal Commission) recommended building a National Memorial in Canberra for victims and survivors of child sexual abuse in institutional settings.

The Memorial will provide a place of reflection and recognition of the truth for those who experienced institutionalised sexual abuse. It will also serve as an acknowledgement of the experiences of victims and survivors, recognising their courage and honouring the lives that have been lost.

Following extensive consultations which revealed complex construction challenges, the initial design of the Memorial selected in 2021 is unable to progress. As a priority, the Department of Social Services is working with the National Capital Authority and stakeholders to develop and conduct a new design procurement and selection process.

The new process will commence this year, with the Memorial expected to be completed in 2026. As the project progresses, updates will be made available on the Department of Social Services’ website.

Scheme Data

As at 17 May 2024, there have been 41,665 applications to the Scheme. Of these:

  • 17,900 applicants have had their outcomes advised. Of these:
    • 15,504 payments have been made totalling approximately $1.38 billion dollars
  • 1,655 have been withdrawn by the applicant
  • 22,110 applications are yet to receive an outcome. Of these:
    • 13,423 applications are actionable by the Scheme.
      • 2,511 applications are being validated with the initial contact being made
      • 8,282 applications are in the information gathering stage
      • 2,290 applications are with an IDM for a determination
      • 340 applications are being prepared for delivery of the outcome
    • 2,345 applications are unable to be actioned by the Scheme. Of these:
      • 1,189 are awaiting the applicant to provide additional information
      • 1,156 are undergoing a special assessment for SCC/AFG
    • 6,342 applications are on hold.

Participating institutions update

The Minister's Declaration is an official list of all participating institutions. It is updated when a new institution joins the Scheme or the status of a participating institution changes.

As at 17 May 2024, data regarding participating institutions remains the same as included in the previous update.

The Declarations are available on the Federal Register of Legislation:

For the latest information about institutions, visit the Institutions page on our website.