Service Charter for your National Redress Scheme

Our commitments to survivors of institutional child sexual abuse

The National Redress Scheme (the Scheme) is committed to improving how we engage with survivors of institutional child sexual abuse, and the people that support them. That commitment has been outlined in the Scheme’s Service Charter (the Charter).
The Charter sets out the Scheme’s commitments to supporting survivors through each stage of the redress application process. The Charter outlines:

  • the principles that service providers as part of the Scheme should follow
  • the Scheme’s commitments about what we will do to support survivors through each stage of the redress application process
  • the Scheme’s service standards to create consistency and accountability
  • information about how the Scheme will show that we are meeting these commitments
  • ways you can contact the Scheme.

The Scheme has also created a Scheme Improvement Update that details improvements that have been made to the Scheme and those that are currently in progress.


The Scheme has produced an AUSLAN version and an easy-read version of the Service Charter, along with a quick reference summary. 

  • Auslan video
  • Service Charter
  • Summary version
  • Easy Read version
  • Scheme Improvement Update 

Download the Service Charter