National Redress Scheme

Beware of misleading websites

The National Redress Scheme is aware of a number of unauthorised websites containing misleading and inaccurate information about the Scheme, some of which may appear as search results through web browsers. Some of these websites include information such as the availability of a $3,000 redress payment through Centrelink, references to welfare payments from other countries and pictures of government officials. You should not click on links from these websites or provide personal information that may put you at risk. This includes contact initiated through social media offering redress payments, either from an unfamiliar account or from an existing ‘friend’ contact profile that has been taken over by a scammer.

Information about the Scheme and redress payments should only be obtained from trusted sources, such as this website, a Redress Support Service or knowmore legal services.

Information on how to apply to the Scheme and what happens once you submit an application, can be found on our website. Government funded Redress Support Services are available to provide free localised practical and emotional support throughout your application process.

If you are concerned about any information you have received about the Scheme, call the National Redress Scheme on 1800 737 377 for confirmation.

The National Redress Scheme is in response to the
Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

Applications can be made any time before 30 June 2027.

What is redress?

The National Redress Scheme acknowledges that many children were sexually abused in Australian institutions. It recognises the suffering endured because of this abuse, and holds institutions accountable for this abuse.
People can apply to the National Redress Scheme by filling in a paper application form, or they can apply online through myGov.
An offer of redress can include:

  • a payment
  • counselling that is confidential and culturally safe
  • a direct personal response, such as an apology, from an institution.

Applicants can choose what parts of the redress offer they want to receive.

Watch videos about the National Redress Scheme 

There are clear, animated videos to help you learn more about the National Redress Scheme – what it offers, who can apply, how to apply, and more. Visit the National Redress Scheme videos page.

Read and print helpful resources

Like to learn more about the National Redress Scheme? Or do you work with people who may need support? 

Resources are available with clear information about the National Redress Scheme, including posters, a brochure, wallet card, factsheet, discussion guide and more.

There are helpful resources for a range of audiences including:

  • First Nations people
  • Resources in language – Arabic, Burmese, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Dari, Greek, Italian, Tamil, Turkish and Vietnamese.
  • People with disability.

To read and print these resources, visit the National Redress Scheme Resources page.

Martin’s Story

As a child, Martin was arrested for stealing an $8 pair of jeans and sent to a boys’ home. While there, he was sexually abused by people who were responsible for his protection. It was a painful time for Martin and he did not talk about it for more than 50 years.
After applying through the National Redress Scheme, Martin received an apology and a payment. He could not change what happened, but he did find a way to move forward that was right for him.

To watch Martin’s Story, visit the Martin’s Story page.

Final Australian Government response to the second anniversary review

The Australian Government has released a response to the Final Report of the Second Year Review of the National Redress Scheme.

The Final Response indicates the Australian Government’s commitment to improving the Scheme.

Changes to Western Australia's Counselling and Psychological Care (CPC) arrangements

From 1 January 2023, the Western Australia government changed the way Counselling and Psychological Care (CPC) is administered in Western Australia.

Applicants who receive an offer after 1 January 2023 will now be offered access to counselling and psychological care services through a qualified practitioner.

Information about Counselling arrangements in your State or territory

Service Charter for your National Redress Scheme

The Service Charter has been developed in response to recommendation 2.1 of the second year review – to improve the survivor experience of the National Redress Scheme. The Service Charter was co-developed with survivors, advocates and Redress Support Services. The Service Charter aims to help survivors at every stage of their redress journey and explains what they can expect from the National Redress Scheme.

To access the Service Charter, the summary version of the Service Charter and the Scheme Improvement Update please visit the Service Charter page.