What is the National Redress Scheme?

Video title: What is the National Redress Scheme - Mandarin
Video URL: https://www.youtube.com/embed/XdDSbAk-4ss?feature=oembed

Download the video file and written transcript for What is the National Redress Scheme in Mandarin (ZIP 15 MB)

How to apply to the National Redress Scheme

Video title: How to apply to the National Redress Scheme - Mandarin
Video URL: https://www.youtube.com/embed/pznKnnT5g2o?feature=oembed

Download the video file and written transcript for How to apply to the National Redress Scheme in Mandarin (ZIP 23 MB)

Introduction to the National Redress Scheme

Video title: Introduction to the National Redress Scheme - Mandarin
Video URL: https://www.youtube.com/embed/KBESfRUfPQo?feature=oembed

Download the video file and written transcript for Introduction to the National Redress Scheme in Mandarin (ZIP 10 MB)

承认在机构中 经历过儿童性虐待的人 所受到的伤害

Chinese Simplified: National Redress Scheme brochure

对在机构中经历过 儿童性虐待的人 提供支持

Chinese - Simplified: National Redress Scheme poster


Chinese - Simplified: 申请人须知 / Information for people applying (Easy Read version)


Chinese Simplified: National Redress Scheme / Introduction to the National Redress Scheme


Chinese Simplified: Applying for redress


Chinese Simplified: 获得 NATIONAL REDRESS SCHEME(国家 补偿计划)的帮助 / Getting help

The Australian Government acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples throughout Australia and their continuing connection to land, water, culture and community. We pay our respects to the Elders both past and present.

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